The Alvin Report
Provides a veritable platform for the exchange of logic-driven fact-based engagements in the areas of Economy, business, finance, public policy, and impact.
The Promoters of The Alvin Report have pulled together some of the brightest minds and idea-driven scholars to provide clear insights and analysis as we push towards an economic renaissance.
The Alvin Report is a fully owned initiative of the Duke of Shomolu. The Brand is championed by maverick Investment Banker, Theatre Producer, Author, and Columnist Joseph Edgar. Joseph is driven by an infinite belief in the full potentials of the Nigerian construct. He sees Nigeria as a latent economic superpower and believes that with the right collective mindset we would be able to secure a strong economy which would, in turn, deescalate the tensions in the political space. The Alvin report is an attempt at coalescing these thoughts with the aim of engaging Power and affecting Policy formulation in the economic space.
The Alvin Report has a highly discerning team of Editors, Media Experts, and Digital Marketing Professionals who are committed to delivering an internationally competitive platform that would serve to educate, enlighten and impact.
Our Backers
To maintain our editorial integrity, The Alvin Report will be funded by FREE WILL donations of N10,000 per quarter. We aim to guard our independence strictly hence the outlier mode of funding. All donations are forwarded to The Duke of Shomolu FBN acct No. 2033644660