Alvin team

by thealvingreport

Meet the Team

Joseph-Edgar 1a

Founder and Pioneer Editor

Edgar is the Founder and pioneer Editor in Chief of The Alvin report.

Mr Eze

Coordinating Editor

Jonathan Eze, born 40 years ago, is a thoroughbred journalist with over 14 years experience that cuts across leading media organisations.

David Alfred

David Alfred

Director of Digitals

David Alfred is a web-developer and an SEO specialist, who has carried-out a lot of projects with top brands in the inductries. He has 5years experience in IT

David Alfred

Tobi Alamutu

Contributory Editor

Tobi Alamutu joins the Team at The Alvin Report as Coordinating Editor. A graduate of English from The George Washington University

Joshua Anosike

Joshua Anosike

Technical Assist.(to the editor in chief)

Joshua Anosike is a playwright and a poet.
He is a graduate of Criminology and security studies (Bsc)

Cees Harrington Harmon

Resident Researcher/Writer

Cees is a 15 year financial media expert with cognate experience spread over Newswatch and much more recently Businessday

Tobi Alamutu

Gbubemi Atimomo


HR Consultant, Trainer, and Entrepreneurship Advocate.

Founder, SideHustleNG, focused on providing advice, information, and resources to help people find a balance between their side hustles and full time careers.


Emem Udom

HR Manager

Emem Udom is a graduate of Economics from the University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State. She started her career at Essien Ukpong & Co as an Audit Trainee and gained extensive Auditing/Accounting experience where she fell in love with Audit/Accounting which motivated her to toll the line of Auditing/Accounting.

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