Each one of us can come to a place of financial security and abundance, but we ‘miss road’ because of a wrong perspective: that we need to chase money to make it.
I believe the truth is the other way around: money is supposed to chase the US 🙂. Why? Because each of us, believe it or not, was born to produce a business that adds value.
That probably sounds more than a little hilarious…but I kid you not. You see, every single one of us has a special gift embedded deep within. That gift is something only you can work for, and everything about you was wired to produce it. It is unique to YOU and is of value to the US.
So quick question: when something is valuable, how much do people pay for it?
Quick answer: A lot 🙂
The problem is, most of us haven’t discovered our gift…or haven’t gained enough mastery over it, to the point of making it valuable.
Unfortunately, whatever you mismanage, you lose. You must understand that the key to unlocking your abundance…is in your gift.
You were born to dominate an area of gifting, not people. You were born to master something, not someone. Something no one else can do like you. It’s not outside of you…it’s inside of you.
It is he who maximizes his gift that will prosper…your business is not what you DO, but who you ARE. So, if you want to be successful, don’t seek success; seek to become a person of value.
The key to freedom is knowledge; the key to knowledge is truth…