Here at the Alvin Report, we are very passionate about the crises that is Healthcare delivery in our Country. Too many Nigerians have lost their lives needlessly. We here of stories of utter neglect due to corruption, greed, incompetence and all what not.
The case of Peju still rings through in our mind. She was said to have walked into the Hospital with her two legs but came out dead. My wife Mena Joseph Edgar is another example. A case of Diabetes and BP, which is easily managed but ended up in her grave. Cases so so many.

One of the most painful being that of the young man in UK who lost his brother and then he went out there to specifically accuse some Doctors of Bribery leading to negligence and the eventual loss of his brothers lives.
The is today providing a separate section tagged – shout it out to enable Nigerians who have suffered negligence to tell their stories with the hope that pressure would lead to justice.
The section is open to any Nigerian who feels that he has suffered or knows of any Nigerian who has suffered from Medical Negligence to tell his or her story and we publish the same. If we can’t get immediate justice at least we can shame the perpetrators into being better professionals while also pre- warning others to be more careful as they approach our facilities in search of treatments.
Let’s do this.