Too many people rely on the world bank and FALSELY believe that their hundreds of intelligent FIRST CLASS economists and “development experts” have near-perfect solutions to the world’s problems.
I beg to differ and have observed countless times where both the world bank and the IMF have midwife projects & policies which have stampeded entire nations into ABJECT POVERTY & social unrest.
The main challenge faced by the world bank and most other arm-chair economists is the fact that their advice is based on available data with a small error factor.
Its assumed that once a certain amount of money is spent in an economy there is a “trickle-down effect” that benefits everyone. They have not yet opened their eyes enough to notice that when an African”big man” corners a contract or embezzles Govt money he traps that money for himself & his family THERE IS NO TRICKLE DOWN EFFECT!!!
Another World bank assumption is that the data gleaned from the bureau of statistics mirror the reality on the ground. What a joke!!!!
The advice about raising tax rates is misplaced. We don’t need a higher tax regime. That’s a pedestrian approach.
We need to proactively and creatively bring more Nigerians WILLINGLY into the tax bracket.
And to get Nigerians to WILLINGLY pay tax or even get identified for taxation demands that they are treated like STAKEHOLDERS in the Nigerian project.
And this isn’t rocket science. It’s pretty simple actually.
Reduce the burden on the citizenry and this will automatically translate to eager PARTNERS in the project willing to play their role!
As it is today Nigerians are still groaning under the weight of what it costs to survive!
1.Providing our own power
2.Providing our own potable water.
3.Providing our own security
4.Paying exorbitant fees once we choose decent schools
5.Expensive healthcare.
6.Paying New power tariffs for the times we have light(short supply)
So the talk now must not be that of simply raising taxes. But one of deepening the partnership between CITIZENS & STATE to a point where 75-100m people are brought into the tax net and their contributions change our story.
I hope this was useful.
Pls beware of IMF & WORLD BANK “experts”
Ifeanyi Oputa