There are so many things God has blessed me with. And misfortunes? I have had my fair share but I don’t and will never dwell on those. Being a grateful being means one is thankful for EVERYTHING. Most people take the biggest gift of all for granted. The Gift of Life and Good Health. Any day you wake up with those two, please be grateful and let it shine through your actions and drive your thoughts for that day. For billions will swap places with you. The people you envy who you believe have a better life than you and or those that have things you have been praying for will in a second exchange that gift you value less for that which they value more! Life and good health are the foundation from which all possibilities draw.
People chase happiness. That’s understandable. That feeling you get when things work out. When you are happy, you smile, walk with a bounce and all is well AT THAT MOMENT. Happiness isn’t permanent. It can’t be. Life isn’t built like that. UNHAPPINESS (not being Happy) is also guaranteed at some point during the course of a day, month, season, year, or life. That is how life is. Don’t dwell on those moments of unhappiness. Don’t confuse unhappiness with SADNESS or confuse Happiness with JOY. Sadness is the opposite of Joy. Joy comes from a deep
appreciation of life and its content therein. When you have Joy, you focus and are grateful for the things working in your life; accept and try and change that which isn’t working. You realize the limited and unguaranteed time you have on this earth and make the best of it. You play the cards you are dealt. You dream and hope but also live and survive. You accept today and stay positive for the future. You pick wars over battles. I can go on but I am sure you get the idea. Joy is a long-term attitude and way of life while Happiness is a short-term feeling. You are sad when you have no Joy. That means you have no hope of the future or believe there is nothing good in your life that is positive or worth living for and that I don’t think that is possible. We put ourselves under unnecessary pressure and tell ourselves things that aren’t true no matter how factual it seems. The fact isn’t always true. Mirage isn’t water whatever your eyes tell you. God has blessed everyone differently. Be joyous
The video attached was sent by a student of Obafemi Awolowo University. He sent it to us so we can appreciate the dignity we have given students following the renovation of the lecture halls. I am grateful to God for the gifts of Selection, Vision, and Execution. Glory goes to the Almighty Allah to Whom all belongs and all shall return.
We can all play a role in building the future we desire. In a world where you can be anything, BE GOOD. BE YOUR BROTHER’S KEEPER.
gvgg.. We move..
Happy Sunday