So today was my baby Zara’s birthday, and she flooded the house with her friends.
Over 20 of them all looked very sweet and innocent. They are ecstatic as they enter the world and are shouting and singing as they do so.
Last night I cdnt sleep. They had all squeezed into her room which was directly opposite mine and made noise all night.
I couldn’t enter the room to shout them down, but even if I could I still would not have cos they were happy, full of life and Thankful to God.
This Morming I watched them get ready. Respected myself and kept a huge distance. I felt old and was kinda sad that they didn’t even bother to ask me if I would join them.
They all jumped into the cars and made their way to VI where they finished what was left of my savings. Kai.
Then they came back and they changed and the fun continued. I liked their freedom, the lack of worry and the careless fun they were having.
They all liked the same songs, danced the same, dressed the same and even had the same hairstyles.
The boys were d same. All bw the ages of 13 and 14. Good looking tall and fresh.
Then as I walked to my room to lock myself up and work, I saw Chantal and three of her friends.
I detoured into her room. They were getting ready for the party. I asked them what sch they attended and one said – Covenant Univerity
And I said funny school and she said yes. We talked about the sexual molestation case in the school involving the chaplain and she informed me that he had been sacked and everything was ok now.
Then I asked them if they knew the most dangerous kind of molestation? They said Rape and I said NO
Then I asked – Chantal will u tell me if you were molested?” and she said yes. God bless her soul. I asked her why, and she said cos she knew I would do something about it.
Then I asked her friends and they both said NO and I asked why and they said cos they won’t be believed and that they would be blamed.
I asked her how old and she said 21. Chantal was 19 and the other was 18 plus.
They were women and looked it but had the inexperience that comes with adolescence. What the molester would see, will be physical attributes of a woman and not the pure innocence that their mature bodies carried.
So I said the worst kind of molestation is not rape. That is bold, violent, and aggressive. You can see it coming, it’s physical. You can fight it and be subdued. U can avoid it. U can consciously not put yourself in a position of vulnerability
But the one that is very dangerous is the one that plays with your mind.
One said no. That groping is the most dangerous and she is really scared of that and I said NO. Gropping is physical and can be averted with a slap.
But the one dt is perpetrated by the uncle, the step brother, the aunty, the pastor, the driver or anybody within ur circle of trust is more dangerous
The one dt plays with your mind. Making u trust them and in some extreme cases making u fall in love with them is the most dangerous.
They play with the little girls mind making her feel comfortable. Earning her trust and making her emotionally dependant and from there use her as a body.
A friend once told me how her uncle did this to her throughout her secondary school days. Her mother’s blood brother she fell in love with him cos ,’ he understood her’ and slept with her from JSS 2 till she left for university.
It was in university that the scales fell off.
So I told the girls that this is the one they shd look out for. Any uncle giving compliments should be reported immediately.
Any brother who says you can rely on me Tell me anything or giving unnecessarily frequent gifts must be reported.
I told them that their parents are the last bastion of their defense. Tell them everything even if they will ‘ worsen’ the situation still Tell them
We are in perilous times where sexual deviancy is at its peek. The lines between what is normal and abnormal are so blurred.
The communal life has to come back. We must all build a cocoon around our kids. Everybody’s child should be everybody’s responsibility
It’s scary out there..peadophiles and other such evil and vile monsters are no longer on the TV screens they live in our homes.
They are the Gardners, security men, despatch riders, pastors, sunday school teachers, uncles and aunties.
We must all remain vigilant
Duke of Shomolu